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5 Things To Know Before Buying A Washing Machine

5 Things To Know Before Buying A Washing Machine

Buying a new washing machine may not be the most thrilling shopping experience, but it's an important decision that requires some consideration. Let's face it, washing machines can stick around for years. With all the options and technology out there, it can be overwhelming. But fear not, Folders is here to save the day!

We've got the top five things you need to know before buying a washing machine, making your decision simple and stress-free, so you can get back to enjoying the fun things in life. You're welcome!

  1. Measure Your Space
  2. Cater to Your Capacity Needs
  3. Pets
  4. Suit Your Style
  5. Save the Planet


  1. Measure Your Space

Captain obvious reporting in! But trust us, you don't want your new washing machine to arrive and not fit where you intended. Brands like Beko, try keep it simple with size by keeping washing machines the same width, with the depth being the only variable. But this isn't the case for all washing machines out there. So, start by measuring your space's depth before selecting your washing machine.

Oh, and do keep in mind Washer Dryer Combo Machines if you would like a dryer but don't think your space allows.

  1. Cater to Your Capacity Needs

Whether you're washing for just yourself or a large brood (we're talking partner, kids, and maybe even a parrot), your washing needs will differ. The size of your household and the dirt they bring home will determine the washing capacity you require. For those with a big family, a 10kg Front Loading washing machine might be the perfect fit.

  1. Pets

Speaking of family, let's not forget our furry friends! If you have dogs, cats, rabbits, or anything covered in fur (sorry, husbands don't count), pet hair on clothes is a common occurrence. Despite your best efforts to keep them off the furniture, those puppy dog eyes always win.

But fear not, Beko able to help. Their Pet Hair Removal function includes a pre-wash and special extra rinsing program to lend a paw. You might even consider throwing your furry friend's bedding in for a spin too!

  1. Suit Your Style

It's great to have functions for pets, but let's think about you too. If you're precious about your clothes, a Gentle Care feature will keep that delicate shirt in top shape.

Or perhaps you're a bit more adventurous and find yourself covered in dirt and stains (no judgment, you're living your best life). Well, heavy duty Stain Expert programs will keep you looking fresh and clean despite the mess!

Everyone is different, and your washing machine won't judge you, but make sure to choose a washer with programs that suit your style.

  1. Save the Planet

We all want to save the planet, but some of us are more conscious of energy consumption than others. That's okay, we each have our priorities.

If you're particularly mindful of your energy usage, or just want to save some $$$ in the long run, opt for a machine with good energy ratings. Beko's ProSmart Inverter Motor technology is the epitome of efficiency, not only reducing energy consumption but also keeping your electricity bills down.


Picking the perfect washing machine doesn't have to be a headache, honestly! Consider these 5 straightforward factors: the space you've got, your household size, those furry friends of yours, whether you're a bit messy or striving for perfection (let's be real, no one's perfect), and your energy usage and electricity bills. Folders is here help. 

Discover more about washing machines here:

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